Circuit symbols

Circuit symbols

Circuit symbols
Circuit symbols

Circuit symbols:

The list above covers almost every symbol you will find on an electronic circuit diagram.It allows you to identify a symbol and also draw circuits. It is a handy reference and has some symbols that have never had a symbol before, such as a Flashing LED and electroluminescence panel.
Once you have identified a symbol on a diagram you will need to refer to specification sheets to identify each lead on the actual component.
The symbol does not identify the actual pins on the device. It only shows the component in the circuit and how it is wired to the other components, such as input line, output, drive lines etc.You cannot relate the shape or size of the symbol with the component you have in your hand or on the circuit-board.
Sometimes a component is drawn with each pin in the same place as on the chip etc. But this is rarely the case.
Most often there is no relationship between the position of the lines on the circuit and the pins on the component.
That’s what makes reading a circuit so complex.
This is very important to remember with transistors, voltage regulators, chips and so many other components as the position of the pins on the symbol are not in the same places as the pins on the component and sometimes the pins have different functions according to the manufacturer. Sometimes the pin numbering is different according to the component, such as positive and negative regulators.
You must to refer to the manufacturer’s specification sheet to identify each pin, to be sure you have identified them correctly.These symbols also helps you to understand schematics of any circuit.


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